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Friday 1 April 2011

Beer moments

I'm sure most of us bloggers have had them. Beer moments. Some might call them epiphanies. The moment when you realise that all of the silly beer things you do like sniffing and tasting, looking and talking, trading and sharing all make sense. Ive had two of those in the last two days. Lucky me!

Last night was the first one; around 11pm after two mediocre beers I thought I would open a bottle of something nice. De Molen Mooi & Meedogenloos (or beautiful and ruthless as it is in English) was my poison. A Russian Imperial stout. I was certain it would be over-rated and in fact my standards were lowered after the previous two beers. At 10.2% I knew it would be my last beer of the night if I wanted to get to class the next day.

So off popped the cap and I was in love. Before it even started glugging into the glass I knew this was a sipper; something I would want to savour and taste in my mouth for a long time. Very black and in fact a little darker than I thought it might be, it held its head all the way down the glass. Chocolate, a lil' Coffee, some fresh hops and a pinch of some lactic/sour/warm notes on the finish. This stuff was good, really good. And the best part; that silky smooth mouthfeel. No other word for it apart from epic.

So today I walked around with a smile on my face knowing that I have some more at home and several other De Molen beers in waiting. Then another epiphany happened. I was on my way to La Cave a Bulles to pick up some of the new beers that were delivered today. I heard rumours of Mikkeller, De Struise, Left Hand, Cantillon and more. I wasn't disappointed and there was a truly brilliant choice of beer on show. I stayed longer than I should have; talking about and choosing my beer. Whilst I was there not only did I watch the fascinating array of people enter the shop, choose from the new and existing selection and leave smiling, I also met Brandon who writes on the blog American Beer geek in Paris. I recommend have a look on the site as he does the French beer scene a lot more justice than I do. 

 Yeah thats what you think it is!

Simple as it was meeting other people just as geeky as you makes you  remember that there is a whole community of us out there. Whether we are blogging from the comfort of our own homes, drinking with friends in a bar or simply just enjoying a great beer wherever we are one thing is true; we are all the same. Beer brings people together, young and old, male and female, whatever race and creed. Sometimes the beer community needs to lighten up and remember this. Whilst I still have this fresh in my mind I think I shall pop open a beer. Wherever you are right now I suggest you do the same.

Cheers to beers and good times



  1. Is that really a whole shelf full of I hardcore you?

  2. It most certainly is ....well almost a full shelf. Some Islay Paradox too

  3. Hey Michael, This is Phillip, we met in Cave a Bulles yesterday (I was the one who brought in a bottle of Captain Lawrence and left with a mixed six pack, and was a little bit under the weather).

    How much longer are you going to be in Paris? I mentioned to you that I'm working on a Bell's Two Hearted Ale clone (which is bubbling in the fermenter now), would you like to come over for some BBQ for my next brew day, and to sample/rate my beers?

    Nice blog!

  4. Hey Phillip thanks for reading the blog. I am here until June so if you are having a brew day before then I would love to come over and sample some beer.

    My email address is

    Was great to meet you at La Cave a Bulles



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