So im my first post I confessed about being a hop head, which is something you will have to come to terms with if reading this blog. I do have another confession to make though......I love Brewdog.
Don't get me wrong, I love other Brewers too. I can already feel a lot of people starting to we go...another blogger who has a love affair with Brewdog. My love affair is more than the constant and often shameless self publicity. It is also more than the great marketing and bottle design. My love affair with Brewdog begins with the word....different.
There are not many brewers (in the UK) doing what these guys are doing. Ok, as I have said they do use a lot of marketing to get me to buy their products but the simple fact is.....they make good beer! Astounding beer infact. So much so that I did it.....about 3 weeks ago I parted with my hard earnred cash and I invested in them! Albeit a very small piece of them....but a small piece is good enough for me. I didnt do it as a sound financial investment......although there is the possibilty that one day it might be. I did it because I believe in them and I believe in their beer. I think they are well on their way to creating a mini revolution....I already know of several pubs where I can go and be almost guaranteed a pint of Brewdog. Ok it isnt on Carlsberg scale, but it is a start.
I do not care what people say about Brewdog, in many respects I have them to thank for introducing me to the world of craft beer (Trashy Blonde from Tesco if I remember correctly). They are encouraging people to move away from the dull and lifeless world of the big brewers and into the world of Stone, Mikkeller, Orval and Thornbridge. No matter what you think about them, the boys at Brewdog deserve a huge pat on the back. So there is my of Belgiums strongest beer coming later tonight
The death of craft?
2 weeks ago
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